i was straka n-november the quote from the great scientist at the early part of the scientific revolutionwho said the heart has reasons. the reason doesn't know. and i thought to myself, at some level it seems that pascal is just saying. and he's a great scientist. one of the really important scientists at this time is just saying there's more than one way of knowing. the way in which science knows may be complemented by just a completely different way of knowledge. >> i believe that. i said earlier there is a way of knowing yourself and a way of knowing the physical world. but you have to be careful because sometimes yourself in the physical world have an overlap. so deepak believes the mind is separate from the brain. there some other valve that he can talk about, that everything is connect good. and i believe that the consciousness, whatever it is, that the human mind and scientists believe comes from the brain. there is a lot of evidence that sensations in the human mind come from the brain. you can stimulate parts of the brain to get people to have thoughts or memories or experience