. >>> what happens when a guy asks strapgers to rub a l-- strangerb a little >>> i want to stake youn a magic sensory experience to stone henge. that's the only thing in the town, that's all you see. and this was to celebrate london 2012 and stonehenge. >> so it's like a lot of olympic torches. they have fire, stone -- what are they missing? >> water, air, earth -- >> are you trying to conjure something up there? >> i don't know, maybe i am. >> you have to be careful when you conjure something up, it might not behave and follow your directions. >>> are you ready to get your prank on? the guy shooting the video, roman atwood. the good in the video with the disgustingly hairy back. he glued hair on his back and asked strangers to rub sunscreen on his back. >> look at the look on her face -- the uncomfortable silence. >> are you serious? >> you won't do it? is it because of my hairy back? >> no. >> is it my hair? >> yes. >> i'm going to pass -- >> is it because of my back? >> the lady in the visor is so funny, i want to watch it over and over again. >> you think the hair will be enough?