the sculptures also include a violinist stratavari.ll of it is related to the famous violinist featured here appearre. event he basilica. it is a lot of details of such short-lived work. in a few weeks, they will be puddles of water. >> in little time, there is a lot of people visiting. >> rarely do we get to see it at the end. the data we are done, we walk away. we do not even get to see it live -- the day we are done, we walk away. >> it is the art, not the artists themselves. >> when you stop and think about it, we must look at and deciphers scores of different lettering every day of for life, whether it is the science at the bus stop or the cereal boxes. all of them influenced us in some small way. we were taken around the city of berlin and were given explanations of some interesting things about tidemarktypography. >> he has a passion for letter fonts. the typeface designer identifies what era they came from. for example, alexander platz. >> in the "e," the middle bar is lower than usual. and you can sense that in the typeface, t