closer to safety it's the last one out of five that got stuck there and we could go and remain strath praful icebreaker is expected to arrive later in the day to help complete the rescue mission. the poor weather has been hampering the operations strong winds snow and thick i use have made it a challenge for the ice breakers involved in freeing the vessels officials say the people on board are not in danger as they have plenty of supplies the captain of the four ship currently on route to safety describe the situation for us. we're following the i.r.s. breaker abnormal car it's clearing our way through the we're moving quite slowly it's a long difficult route and we're only at the very beginning of it there's a thick layer of ice some wyler to hit once we pass that it'll be easier but for now it's too early to make any predictions the ice may be up to two meters thick the problem is it's like a sliced consisting of many layers of ice one on top of the other the words being done according to schedule we have enough food and fresh water on board. southern sudan's preparing to vote on independe