they send up the socialist strawmen, call it a government takeover of health care and make americans fear. well, we say let's make sure the bernie madoffs of the world and people like him are not selling health insurance. they wave a flag, stand up the un-american strawman, saying the bill is against old-fashioned american values and denounce it. we say, don't you dare question our patriotism. do not dare question our commitment to doing what is right for the american people. they stand up the death panel strawman, claim the legislation would kill grandma and denounce it as inhumane. we say stop the outrageous misinformation and tell the truth to the american people. they stand up the tax strawman and say, health care reform will increase taxes. we say we're making health care entities, like insurance companies, pay their fair share. they set up the spending strawman and say the bill will indebt the next generation despite congressional budget office estimates to the contra contrary. we say, you can't pick and choose when to believe the congressional budget office and stand by their