sounding the latter, and he came into the letter writer sliding for home, tumbling over me in the streambed. someone had come after me. incredibly brave, incredibly risky. i grabbed his flapjack and yeah let's go. >> my hand came back covered with blood. an unfamiliar pale long face fell back. i didn't know him. i can't move, i yelled that he didn't respond. then later on top of me, jerking as a bullet after his flapjack. you've got to get out of here, i said. i grabbed his harness and pulled him off and drag him through the mud and through the rocks to the stream as the bullets peppered the water around us.the dock i was worried might be dying i realized is now but maybe i could save this one. it seemed to take hours to crawl area driving a and heavy body by the arms of the back, another slight rise into the foliage.once undercover eye checking out. he been hit. he wasn't breathing. i pressed my mouth to his and began cpr. the lift was tasted of blood. finally i sat back on my heels and the history was gone. the stump was flat. court discipline didn't abandon, he wasn't even my participant