streptomycin, i mean of course the polio vaccine many important medications were devised by researchers who were not concerned about money. they worked in universities and universities were very different. universities and corporations could not have looked more different. corporations sought to maximize their profits. universities were actually centers of science. they were centers of research that was clearly focused on the ills of society feed a medical or social or whatever and it attracted people who are drawn to that role. the university had quite a unique role actually in pursuing the public interest and that was true of medical research as well. in fact there were laws and regulations that band universities from using the discoveries that were made with government subsidies. they could not license the corporation and they could not sell them to corporations in most cases so there was a very very clear and permeable membrane between corporations and universities. it's not there anymore and i'm going to talk about what happened when it dissolved. so, one of the consequences althou