support a dictatorship you know the population supports the uncontroversial things social distancing stroblestrictions of course but a dictatorship no and so what we have been trying to do for example with the european union is to ask you know why does the european union continue to provide extraordinarily generous subsidies to this trojan horse within european democracy you know why for example is the european people's party the center right alliance in the european parliament why does it continue to treat. or bonds party is a member or rather than a formally expelled it suspended it but it didn't expel and you know why. the european union's budget to you to provide so these are the kinds of things that can be done but frankly so far european political leaders have been quite timid they issued a so-called protest when or been established that's dictatorship but they didn't name hungary it was just a go at me and blanche and eric statement of principle he was so bland that orbán joined as you say it's a question of. accountability it's a question of pressuring hungry i want to get to that a