right now the top 1% of wage earners, or shall we call them america's answer to air strock cat ri -- aristocracy in the leisure class, make more than 50%, own more than 50% of the wealth of this country. and guys like warren buffett, you know, that grandfatherly, lovable old figure pays fewer taxes than his secretary. after 2012 we'll find out whether we can equalize this somewhat. thank you for that question. i've been given a sign out there that says i have ten minutes left, and i don't know if i've eaten up that ten minutes. anybody else got any questions? yes, sir. >> um -- >> mic. >> i wish we could hear you as well as this mic. this mic sounds great. [laughter] you know? turn your mic up a little bit. i read your book, it's a great book, i highly recommend the book to everybody, it's fantastic. what positive has come that you've seen from your efforts from writing the book, and what are some of the efforts outside of the book that you've done that people may not know that they should be aware of how they can connect to you and how they can find out more information? >> well, i