it relates to senator strom thurman of south carolina. he must have articulated this at some point in his career. but he said, when it comes to an election year like this one, we will stop approving nominations as of the beginning of the political conventions. well, in this year, that's going to be about the middle of july. so if you do the countdown of when we're in session, we have probably five, six weeks left to consider nominations before they die under the unwritten thurman rule. so what the republicans are doing is running out the clock on these 20 people. we shouldn't be surprised. if they would do this on a nomination to fill a vacancy on the highest court of the land, it shouldn't surprise us that they would do the same thing when it comes to these 20 nominees. what are they waiting for? why don't they want to approve these judges? noncontroversial judges. they are waiting in prayerful reflection for the election of donald trump as president. mr. president, you know that many people in your party have mixed feelings about the ca