. >> michael steele,ack in 2002 trent lott was ousted for insensitive remarks he said that strom thurmond, had he been elected president would have had some of the problems over all of those years, then state senator obama said at that point that lott ought to be ousted as majority leader. you see a difference between then and now? >> oh, yeah, there is a dig double standard here. the thing about it that's interesting is that when democrats get caught saying rast things you know, an apology is enough. if that had been mitch mcconnell saying that about an african-american candidate for president of the united states, trust me, this chairman and the dnc would be screaming for his head very much as they were with trent lott. and the reality of it is racism, and racist conversations have no place today in america. this term, this you know, like he's going to pass, for example, for white america because he's you know, got this negro die alikt, that's language that harken back to the 1950s and 60s and confirms to me a mind-set out of step with where america is. but i can assure you if i had as