they didn't deserve to. >> stroud's victims were contractors working at the home stroud and his accomplicesobbed. stroud ordered the men tied up and shot each in the head with a pistol. >> when i first walked on death row, the thing that hit me first was the silence. the absolute silence. walking on there was the type of silence that takes you in, the type of silence that's listening to you watching your every move to see how you're going to respond to it. i came on the unit 23 years old, trying to project courage, confidence and strength but on the inside, i was upset. i was confused and i was afraid. the thing i remember the most was the cold concrete floor underneath my bare feet. and it just sitting on the edge of that bunk, man, and i just broke down and started crying and crying for all the people that i hurt crying for justice crying for my mother. you know what i mean and during those three years, seven men, you know were executed they lost their lives. >> a change in indiana's capital punishment laws saved stroud from joining them. his sentence was commuted to three life terms with