together with others in stroud gail bradbrook manages a community garden but to stop climate change she says require much more than actions of individuals we know that 50 percent of emissions come from 10 percent of the population so it's really important that people with the biggest footprints really think about what they're doing how much to fly and what they're eaten or me included in that but we have a a system that's based on focus on profit rather than purpose and therefore whatever you do as long as you can get away with it you'll create pollution you'll hurt people you'll hurt the planet so something has to change systemic way here just simply changing how you consume start going to be enough. gail bradbrook believes that everyone without exception must take part in the effort to reduce global warming. for some that may mean leading a simpler life. i don't think we need all this stuff that we've all got we just need what's next to us and i don't want talking about you know going back to the caves and and live in really rough lives but slowing down enough to appreciate what we ha