and while we have on one of our deck strucksen. we have an extraordinary diversity of what people would consider religious in terms of spiritual. and so much of it has to do in the context of both social justice and personal faith journeys. i wonder how you see that mix. what you observe about that mix. >> san francisco is supposedly a very unreligious community. maybe that is too in terms of actual membership. but you point out a very important thing. a lot of people say i'm not religious. i'm spiritual. but this place our monthly breakfasts gets people an opportunity to express that spiritual aty however they want. fremont is supposed to be the most religiously diverse city in the united states. but i dare say san francisco is a close second because we've got everybody here. and the wonderful part about the interface council is we value everybody. and we start this chair of our council reverend jim starts off our meeting every second thursday by saying, this is a place where you can be who you are. if you are asked to offer a pra