we have heard all this before, so. >> retired major stuart hickey, national director of american veterans, an advocacy group. thanks for joining us. >>> in power politics, 13 months since the voting in the presidential primaries, and former president bush is talking about jed bush's campaign. he spoke about his brother in an interview an cbs news and provided the odds that jeb will run. >> reporter: you think he do it? >> i think it's 50/50. he and i are close. on the other hand he's not here knocking on my door agonising about the decision. he knows exactly the ramifications an family, for example. he has seen his dad and brother go through the presidency. i would give it a toss up. i know this about jeb, he is not afraid to succeed. in other words, i think i know he knows he can do the job, and nor is he afraid it fail. >> bush is promoting "41", his father. both waged wars against iraq's saddam hussein. >> when you say something as president, you better mean it, words mean something. he was very clear at times during his presidency, and i thought i was pretty clear at times during my p