the urge to shake someone's hand or hug a friend and that's not allowed that's a real pain this stuart maslow's. running with scripts have to be written cleverly so it makes sense for us to be one and a half metres away from each other and i don't need to options there's no sex obviously having a the audience imagine a sex scene with another to believe getting close to each. that's a lot of work for me to you know to create the kind of bite into some of the daily soaps even have improvements because you have to tell a love story in a different way for the 17th time it's been quite exciting and positive it was you know it was actually a creative challenge. but i wouldn't want to go on like this at my age it's better to do fewer sex scenes. yeah it's kind of weird specially if it's an emotional moment and you usually embrace someone or a love scene like here in scene here showed up i want to sleep. take lights out we're just glad to be filming again being in the process every day makes you realize again and again how serious the entire situation is so you know i don't think people get careless qu