clk and stubing were a projection of americanilitary powe deep into asia. the plippines one of the best r & r pts. t it all came to an abrupt end in the early 1990s with two amatic events. an expsion of filipino nationalism demandg an end to the u.s. military pesencehere. and an most simultaneous exosion of neay mount pinatu which buried the bases undetons of voanic ash. the amecans were gone within a year. and nearly everyone assumed that clark and stubingere history, too. ll, just look at themtoday. the philippines has managed pull off a conversion of the bases rdly anyone thought possible. now called freeport zones, clark and stubing operate today der the flag of the philiines and are bustling with econoc activity. compies fromjapan, korea, europe, canada and en the u.s. have come t set up manufacturing and pduction wheilipino firms hve mod in withhoppingmalls, using, casinos, tourism. it is pouring millions into the philippine economynd might even help this country beme another one of tse famo asiantigers. and there literall are asi tigersere now as wel