asketo comme, bayer cr scien said the sk force only oks at worst-case enariosand thth studi underealistifield cocococococo show th systec pesticid do not hm honeybs, bir, other ldlife >>the ma concern wh neonic isththat they have such a high toxicity to a broad range of invertebrates, terrestrial and aquatic. they are e extremely persistent and extremely mobile. and you put those 3 conditions together and you're talking about reremoval of a large segmt of the invertebrate community. >> they're accumulining in t il. theye'redrdrawn upy heheerow plas, b by ees ggrowinin f faland, and so on anddddd that's ling in faland is beg slow poisoned l the time.. >> t the other thihing thahas se ouout is that t they're e much e water soluble than eveveryone ws when they get intoto the ground with water, t they move readilyn across the environment. they are now found routinely in stream samples as well as well samples >> birds like swifts and swallows depend on insects as a food source. if insects are killed in their breeding ground, usually a bo o of water, birds are deprived of food. >> the concentrations of the neon