this is a side view of a taser stungun. you see this one has a regular pistol grip and has the trigger there like a normal gun. you look down the barrel at whatever it is you're going to shoot it at. interestingly, this is a picture of a taser when it's loaded. now, look at this other picture. this is the picture of a taser when it is unloaded. you see the difference? there's a whole piece on the front that's missing when it's unloaded. that's because the way you, quote, load, at least this kind of taser, is by attaching a whole new piece to the end of the barrel. basically it's a cartridge on the end of the barrel. inside that cartridge, that's where you have the two little metal probes, the little barbs that shoot out the end of the weapon and the wires they're attached to that the electrical current is conducted through. that's what we think of as the basic mechanics of how a person gets tased. they get hit with those barbs then the current travels through the wires into those little barbs and the person gets stunned. bu