his doctor was read sturtevant of artist program and referred him to the max foundation. the drug. is an expensive drug and. for me it would have been very difficult to be able to afford this drug and to be able to use it without extreme discomfort to my finances. so i would not have honestly been able to afford the drug if it was not for this wonderful foundation and people the drug is given to the patients life for as long as the physician says they need it the drug is given it's a big boon the pharma company has this kind of project. x. is a drug like this this drug is a marvelous drug. fifteen thousand patients take glivec three hundred thousand take them out. doctor. the health care system cannot rely on this project. they have entered this group certain hospitals. would be complete so they needed need from that point of charity to the efforts which the two should. social responsibility to note if the poor and weak use of the. sun to the deceased because of the ability to and individually for that drug. sympathize with the soon to uprising but we do not train and we do not smu