i think you'r're reaeally pickip on the dififference in l leader stylyle. knknow, mususk makakes it a aboutt mumusk. anand m musk a accumulateses an the p power inn ordrder to b beo makeke it all ababout musk.. now, y you know, hee sayss tha does t that i in pursuit of the big visions,s, and, y you k kn think he's's sincere.. but itit's still y you're deali with musk, both the strengthshs and weaknesses and the risks. >> fair e enough. markrk, thank y you for beieing usus this mornrning and tellinga little bit a about t the advertg indudustry. "p"press: herere" will be e rig baback. >>> wewelcome backck to "presss here."." i wawas s speaking ththe other a ventuture capapitalist for oum hill r road podcasast, and we w talkining about c computers in scientntific lalaboratorieses. scieientists runun an experimem tetell the comomputer resesults that experimentnt. whwhat if,, he saidd thrhrough it's so smart it starts suggesting what experiments to run. >> they run experiments and try to either confirm their theorys or not. what happens whenn chatgbtbt fi cocome