. >> if i understand your question, and you have a four-unit building that submissioner sugaya and his favorite commissioners own together. you cannot -- and this is part of the subdivision map act, you cannot create an individual fee ownership without going through a mapping process and subdivision process. >> yes, this is a technicality that allows this to happen, because you have to remap in separate ownership units. as opposed to an apartment building or tenancy common or ownership of these four units. and that's where the detail is involved. i assume if everything fails, the group can dissolve their tenancy and leave, you can't force them to stay there, i don't think. >> well, we are treading into an area that our department hears about but we have no discretion over and much of what we hear is hearsay but what i have heard. many tenancies in common are fought with peril. and my limited understanding is that each person is essentially responsible for the entire mortgage, they are responsible for the other people. and until yesterday i hadn't heard about a foreclosure with a tenanc