the clerk: in subparagraph a of section 3312-c-1 of the public health service act as added by section 101 of the bill, strike the payment rates that would apply to the provision of such treatment and services by the facility under the federal employees compensation act and insert payment rates equal to the payment rates for similar services under parts a and b of title 18 of the social security act. strike title 3 and insert the following and make such changes to the table of contents in section 1-b as may be necessary. title 3, repeal of certain spending provisions and patient protection and affordable care act. section 301, repeals. a, in general. the following provisions are hereby repealed. one, subsections a, b, c, g, h, i, j, k, l and m of section 1899-a of the social security act relating to independent payment advisory board and subsections b and c of section 3403 of the patient protection and affordable care act. and the amendments made by such subsections. two, section 4002 of such act relating to the prevention and public health fund. three, subsections a, b, c, d of sectio