and partnering with the united states, investing their own resources in tackling hunger and subsaharan africas implementic, bringing its technology and businesses to partner with us on this challenge in subsaharan africa. >> tied primarily to help many of our partner countries to become food secure. for example, in agriculture, 20 farmer farmers to become self sufficient but providing them with opportunities. so they have access to markets. building cold storage facilities for fruits that have been produced by the farmers are not spoiled until they ship to overseas and last year we just completed -- tas relates to training. we are seeing great results. in the past most developing agencies measure the outputs and the outcomes as a result of farmer training. but what we are learning is we take it one step further. in el salvador, farmers doubled their income as a result of our investment. in nicaragua, they increase the income 30%, in ghana. and what we do next, we know it's very difficult to do, to see if our investments are increasing household incomes, which is very difficult to do. we've se