he wanted me to pay doctors to prescribe subsys. i could do that.er: and you had talked about bribery? >> burlakoff: oh, yeah. > whitaker: used that word. >> burlakoff: if i think that he's going to be intimidated by the word "bribery," or that he hasn't been involved in that before on numerous occasions, i'm a fool. >> whitaker: insys would pay some doctors-- sales reps called them "whales"-- as much as $125,000 a year in bribes, camouflaged as insys "speaker program" fees. all that money caught the attention of federal prosecutors in boston, nathaniel yeager and david lazarus. >> nathaniel yeager: these doctors, these whales, were getting paid to speak 40, 50 times a year. >> whitaker: so wh y about a speaker, you think of him going to, say a ballroom. and you have other doctors there. and the speaker gets up and >> whiket's t ke what was ing o, they say, was illegal, and the two prosecutors launched what would become the first criminal case to bring pharmaceutical executives to trial for fueling the opioid epidemic. they indicted seven insys exec