if the plants die, the roots go all of a suddee, you lose sediment. that is a particular problem for -plouisiana. they are alreaay lossng sediment evvry yeaa because of a range of the mississippi river that have prevented floods rom substance that is elated to both natural gas and oil development innthat area, but also just spreading cities nd neighborhoods. used to bb marshlaad, they get the piece that is lying compressee.that driis out and+ there is ust an awful lot of natural substance -- subsidence+ going on. the cannot afford to lose sediment much fastee than the already are. host: on twitter,,if you're asked the 5000 or so barrels a day that are being retrieved -- ken his will be used by bp? guest: that is a good question. i o not kkow. that is something worth looking up. there are people wwrking on technologies that will try -- -poil and water have different densities.3 that try tt separate the il frommtheewater in wayy that -pmight make some of that oil recoverable. dome. to be able to pump the oil p, and when it is coming out of the ground, i