host: you can follow sudeep reddy on twitter -- troy, newo to mona in jersey.ler: it is interesting to hear the conversation. i have a question -- opinion as toest why entitlement do not include the conversation of subsidies and loopholes and even foreign spending in the dod. they always say entitlement and they refer to social security and so on, but they never refer to entitlements as subsidies and the large amount of taxes that are spent as entitlements which would include the overseas taxes andnd corporate loopholes. why doesn't the conversation include that side of government spending? that is an excellent question. if you look at the federal budget, entitlements -- if you account for just the automatic spending that the government done one spending autopilot that the federal level -- you're talking about roughly 2/3 of the budget that is already decided based on prior legislation before lawmakers sit down to draw up new budget plans. that includes social security, medicare, medicaid food stamps and all these programs that are guided on autopilot. it is re