a no nonsense policy ok i want to speak to a gentleman from the tourism committee his name is sue lehman john and is it a question of marketing or is it just that people have become complacent that this is how things work here and this is how they will continue to work days from thing that week or responsible tourism to undiscussed movies that are coming here on the people that they are meeting here or have to be responsible to make sure that you know we sort out our distributors in circle is responsible and of you know. come here just to have you know form 6 whatsoever but we also have the responsible parties who are coming here to develop our local communities i didn't be something that is a holistic approach that we need to take at least. you know responsible through the board on the ministry ok what these policies already in place i'll come back and ask about implementation but i want to go back to something that to set fire to which is that there is a cause and effect to 6 years in the cause being unemployment can you talk to me about that was a situation like for young people here was i