we have in the last five months worked with legislation and sob suffolk county having a bill passed banningcounty legislation banning the sale of the drop site cribs and are awaiting the bill signing. we are currently working with rockland county legislation to have the ban passed also, which by the way it passed tuesday night. we appreciate cumbersome fighting us to be here today to share our story. we hope you think of bobby oil to determine how to keep our baby's safe. we are all they have, their lives depend on it. thank you. >> mr. cirigliano, would you like to see anything at this time? okay. i take that is a no. thank you again for being here. >> thank you for inviting. >> we are going to have members ask questions, all right? let me ask this, in your statement he said our son bobby was not included in the cpsc report. the reason is the location of the dropside de tache was in the same as other infants. could you explain? >> we saw an interview on television regarding the manufacturing of all the crib's recalled. the chair person at that time was asked why bobby's death wasn't includ