the nutcracker himself along with a sugarplum fairy and six other dance, went to ucf bennyoff hospitalo. they loved sharing the music and the movement. >> being able to come here and share that means a lot. up don't get the opportunity so often. so this once a year opportunity, when it comes around is something that we really cherish. >> how about that? after all. dancing, the performers got down and talked with the young patient, signed autographs, took pictures, the kids had a chance to get a real closeup look at the elaborate costumes the dancers wear. >>> well, speaking of kids, a couple of them they were hoping to get on santa claus's good list. what these two little boys did ended up getting them a visit from the police. here's a 6-year-old boy from wisconsin and his 3-year-old brother, they dialed 911. they wanted to contact santa claus. they wanted to make sure santa knew what they wanted for christmas. >> i didn't realize my husband's phone was unlocked. >> the north pole is out of jurisdiction. not much we can do with helping them connect with santa claus. >> police also had