me now from los angeles, criminal defense attorney, tom mesereau, who has defended michael jackson, sugeng many others. you're certainly qualified. before we get into what was on the tape, explain why from a defense perspective, you think the tape might not even make it to court? >> reporter: well, my understanding is that this prosecutor, who's very experienced, very savvy, and has been investigating mr. durst for a long period of time flat-out knew he was represented by a lawyer. not just one lawyer, various lawyers. and instead of contacting those lawyers and asking for an interview, he flew right to louisiana, went around their back, and got someone who, i understand, has some mental health issues and some physical health issues, to sit down and talk to him. i think it's unsavory and unprofessional. >> so that's on whether it gets used. now on what's in it. this was a fascinating interrogation. we just saw some of it. part of what the prosecutor did was sort of soften durst up over time and say, well, we're only going to talk about what you want. we can talk about it in hypotheticals