its chief executive officer of credit suisse group ag in new york. mr. -- general counsel of credit suisse group ag in zurich, switzerland. the co-head of private banking and asset wealth management of credit suisse group ag in zurich, switzerland. and mr. robert shaffer, the co co-head of private banking and asset wealth management of credit suisse group ag in new york. we appreciate all of you being with us here this morning and look for to your testimony pursuant to rule six all witnesses to testify before this subcommittee are required to be sworn. at this time i would ask you to please stand and raise your right hand. do you swear that the testimony you give before this subcommittee will be the truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you god? we will be using a timing system for our witnesses today. be aware that approximately one minute before the red light comes on you will see the light changed from green to level -- green to yellow, giving you an opportunity to conclude your remarks. well your written testimony will be printed i