says all knowledge is too busy dealing with the situation in the emergency department coleman of sullivan rte news and eighty of north hospital thought that. the solution she stressed just strikes me is to step down from his position as chairman of the form of philanthropy the move was confirmed i am punished and that the light that afternoon we got the accounts committee is awaiting a response from mr flannery to its invitation for him to appear before next day on a different manner we stepped down as a board member. we had heard from olivia's close with a bbq party the opposition were meeting on the folk scene and his position as chairman of the forum and found to be a body set up by the government to increase philanthropic activity. understandable. you refused to go through the top of the current moment the teacher in the position he didn't have to wait long though. this action injuring his questions. of course to clarify the situation with regard to mr connery position as chairman of the forum on philanthropy. it is my understanding that he is stepping down from that position. questions w