so sully corp.'s workers, say i give them a subsidy of $300 a month. right? to help them mitigate the cost. they go to your exchange and they pick their own plan. >> that's right. >> they would see silver, that's perfect for me. it is $400 a month, but sully corp. pays $300. so that's how it is going to work. right? >> in addition to that, they'll take their $300, they'll come into the exchange, they'll say the silver plan is what i want? let's see what insurance companies are going to offer me that silver plan and at what price. united health care might be $325 and aetna might be $350. blue cross might be $375. now i say which networks do my doctors belong to and what drugs are covered under their formularies. so let me trade off the networks and the price and make the best decision for me. >> bottom line though, do you think that us, as the employee, is going to be paying more for health care benefits under an exchange system than we do, for example, now without it? >> no, i don't. because the employers are largely providing the same or even greater subsidi