there were some black prisoners in sulsbury. obviously, as you suggested, there were incidents in which black prisoners were simply executed, but there were accidents, and one incident after the revolts i mentioned, after that, the guards for sport would shoot at prisoner randomly when they were bored. one incident, they fired from the stockade fence killing a union guy, one one of the confederate doctors at the prison went to find out why this had happened, and he was informed by the confederate guards they had watched and saw three black prisoners standing together, and they thought they'd never get such a good comans to shoot somebody as that presented himself, so they fired at him, by ironically the guy they hit was a white prisoner standing nearby. yes, to answer the question, there were black prisoners there. >> tell us the story about the young girl, the angel of the mountain. >> oh, yes. melvinina stevens. as i mentioned, they were led through the mountains by ellis, and ellis knew the union sympathizers in the mountains