countries, following on the road of simone bolivar and mandela and george washington, and degall and sultan bashar and they are classified as terrorists and pariahs working outside national legitimacy. those who are trying to preserve their countries, safe from creative chaos and terror, have become violators of human rights and killers of their own people. those who win the support of the majority of their people have lost legitimacy and have to step down. it is really strange these days, many president, that some oligarchy states cosponsor draft resolutions promoting the at nation of power. the freedom of assembly. the promotion of democracy. and the protection of promotion of human rights and that those very states who don't even have a constitution let alone a genuine electoral system and who have only exercised democracy through satellite stations and fancy conference halls, those same countries, i say, unfortunately, resort to the security council to ask for reform and for democracy. syria, mr. president, had a parliament, in 1919. by that time, in one year after the fall of the empire. whil