pre-trial detention center, four more will be under house arrest and under house arrest sultan ziganov mikhail zhilinding of the an-24 aircraft. what happened at the airport of the regional center? ust-kut, according to eyewitnesses, the reason could be bad weather rain and fog during landing, the aircraft touched the runway with its wing and rolled out of its limit itself into the wing and nose landing gear on board. there were four people. crew, 44 passengers there were no casualties. who will be responsible for the death of his wife at the hands of her husband-iran, the bashkir security forces are now sorting out not only the details of the family drama, but also evaluate their work on the violent brawler who beat his dry land constantly received complaints, but in the end, all the details of ksenia klimany could not stop him. a split lip and bruises on her face swollen from tears is one of the last photos that 31-year-old dina makiyanova sent to her parents. farid from airah otmulina tried to protect her daughter from the fists of her ex-husband, they took her together with her grandchildren to l