and we will do that and figure out and maybe rupert murdoch with figuring out or arthur sulzberger or maybe don graham, but somebody will figure it out and we will survive. so you can all read easily. [laughter] .. as a magazine publisher who has edited publications and written for them i am interested in staying in business but the physicality of the product and have to say i don't know it is going to remain the same. i don't know we'll be using paper or by paper. as a publisher i have to buy paper for every magazine and published and i don't have to do that if it is an online version 4i charge money and people are willing to pay for it. i do think we are in a revolution that is a much larger thing then just the news industry newspaper magazine industry. i was out at stanford last week talking to the head librarian and their digitalizing everything under the sun. everything. at all the old books from centuries ago and of the kneuer was there are putting right into electronic format now so as i see this happening in this kind of context i ask myself and my really going to see a newspa