item 6 is a resolution authorizing substitution of a letter of credit offered b sumitomo mitsui acting through its new york branch not to exceed $100 million to support the micipal transportation agency commercial paper program. >> supervisor cohen: last week the issue of crossing guards was raised by supervisor sheehy, who isut o today. i don't know if there's an appetite on this body to hearyo. the other thing i want toind you is issue of taxi dallmeon strategies was also ised a perhaps you can weave some information into your presentation. but the rest i give the floor u. thank you. mbers of the committee.r, ed briskin, director of transportation. ithwd to the budget items, i appreciate the feedback that we got from you last week. i think it was four of the five of you, including supervisoreeh interest in us doing more with regard to crossing guards. to remind you of the context, large pt of our dg is directed towards investing in phys chang in our streets to make them safer. a lot of them are targeted on h city and a lot ofhose school locations and other areas where we have vulnera