back to the great ancient chinese philosopher, sun sui, he said you have to know your enemy, i'm paraphrasing it is pretty clear that our enemy here is an ideology, just like our enemies in the last century, fascism and communism and i violent extreme i.t. ideology, it's not islam. it is a political perversion of islam, and, if you are not willing to call it what it is how will you fight it successfully? in fact my sense of it is people in the obama administration think if they call it violent islamist extremism or jihadism they will offend mainstream nonviolent muslims but, frankly, i think we are insulting them by not being willing to call it what it is, which is not what they are. and i'll keep hammering away at this as long as i can, if you call it violent extremism, there are other violent extremism and there are white supremacist extremists and ecoterrorists and even animal rights extremists but that is not who we are fighting, who attacked us on 9/11, and not who we are fighting around the world and who tried repeatedly to attack us again, it is violent islamist extremism and until we