houston haley has a handful she's an intern at suncorp a major sinbad rescue and rehabilitation center every morning she and her colleagues need to weigh the cheeks to check their progress. after that they feed them which is not always an easy job. sometimes they don't want to. make sure that they're coming. right away. but kister and how colleagues are succeeding they feed a mix of baby formula eggs prawns fish vitamins and minerals is helping the kids to grow stronger. when they arrived they weighed just thirty to seventy grams know each of the lesser flamengo cheeks weighs around eight hundred grams the biggest challenge now is ensuring these wild birds don't get too tame so human interaction is limited to feeding the workers also keep to a street address point. to try to allow them to associate. with the color pink which hopefully will allow them to the future rather than people but it's a very delicate procedure and something we have to be very careful about because if these animals stay tame then the whole operation that we've tried to try to keep. with their bellies full it's ti