congratulations again on moving the items forward with bell for the properties at sunnydale and potrero. >> truly truly a wonderful a wonderful feat to make sure that our residents are best served at those sites. thank you for the constant communication with those impacted and for the recent meetings that we've had with supervisors regarding properties within our portfolio that are of interest to supervisors and of course to us and to all of you, thank you so much. >> move to adjourn. time is 5:21 p.m.. thank you ♪♪ >> san francisco! ♪♪ >> this is an exhibition across departments highlighting different artworks from our collection. gender is an important part of the dialogue. in many ways, this exhibition is contemporary. all of this artwork is from the 9th century and spans all the way to the 21st century. the exhibition is organized into seven different groupings or themes such as activities, symbolism, transformation and others. it's not by culture or time period, but different affinities between the artwork. activities, for example, looks at the role of gender and how certain activi