sunnyside, and sothe sunset district. the first criteria is looking at the over 50%, we want to make it realistic to ask the children. >> is there a handout? >> id don't have the power point, but i have a fact sheet i can get out. and i can obviously get you copies of the power point afterwards. we work with the model that most safe routes to school programs huge. education, encouragement, enforcement, engineering, and evaluation. our program is focused on safety, teaching pedestrian safety skills in the second grade and biking skills in the fourth grade. there is walk to school day, back-to-school day, and enforcement is self-explanatory. we tried if it does infrastructure improvements, and evaluations to measure our program's success. through their role at the county transportation agency, we were awarded another $500,000 to continue the program through 2011 and 2013. the thing that i want to stress is that at the same time, the policy is going to change at local schools. this will make it much more realistic to ask families to walk and bike to school. w