>> guest: i live in sunnyvale, california, which is--which is the heart of silicon valley. c-span: you say in the book that the japanese have never apologized for this. >> guest: that's correct, never officially apologized. c-span: why? >> guest: well, i think because there's--there's really no reason for them to do so unless they were pressured to do so. c-span: and why hasn't somebody pressured them to do so? i mean, you compare it a lot with what the germans have done. >> guest: well, i think maybe demographics has something to do with it. i mean, some of this activism behind the event is f--is fairly new. but i would say the cold war has a large role in this, the silence of--of--of the japanese and the--the chinese and the americans on this issue. after the--the communist revolution neither, i think,the prc nor the roc really wanted to pressure japan to pay reparations and--and to apologize because both of them needed japan as an ally against each other. they needed japan for economic and political reasons, and the united states also sought out japan as its ally as well