. >> stephen: sorry, sunshine state stoners.you want to get high in florida, you'll have to get a prescription like everyone else. [laughter] under house bill 49, it will be a first-degree misdemeanor to sell metal, wooden, acrylic, glass, stone, plastic, or ceramic smoking pipes. [laughter] with or without screens, permanent screens, or punctured metal bowls, water pipes, carburetion tubes and devices. -- chamber pipes, carburetor pipes, electric pipes, air-driven pipes, chillums, bongs, ice pipes or chillers. [laughter] folks, this is a comprehensive list of mellows that have been harshed. [laughter] but i'm disappointed. this bill doesn't even begin to cover the things stoners can use as paraphernalia: apples, soda cans, water bottles, honey bears, aluminum foil, traffic cones, empty ice cream pints. [cheers and applause] stoners are like macguyver. they can turn any household item into a bong -- and then spend the afternoon watching "macguyver." [laughter] i'm telling you. listen to me, folks -- don't put anything past these