most of the time we just ignore it or deal with it by using an umbrella, snow boots, or suntan lotion. but in recent years, weather patterns have changed in ways environmentalists say we can't ignore. emily explains. >> planet earth is more than 4 1/2 billion years old. and we humans have only been in the picture for a few million of those years, which is just about a finger snap in geological time. and yet, in that short finger snap, we may have caused more damage to our environment than what was done in all the eons before we built our first fire. to learn more about this, we turn to an expert in the field climate scientist dr. radley horton. welcome. >> thank you. it's good to be here. >> what's the difference between climate change and global warming? >> climate change and global warming are two words for the same thing, basically. but climate change is a better descriptor because, as greenhouse gas concentrations are going up in the atmosphere due to our activities -- our burning of fossil fuels -- we are seeing global warming. we are seeing temperatures go up. but we're seeing a