much for coming down breaking it down jacob remus public affairs and history professor at suny empire state college appreciate time my pleasure thank you. watching this week's harrowing story unfold it's been a nonstop drama frankly it's draining look there's a lot of information swirling around out there about the boston bombings but until we get the most important questions answered we don't know enough to make conclusions after many false reports and misleading suspects two brothers are finally identified one allegedly killed in a firefight with police and the other still on the run three zoltan in a police state style lockdown of the entire metro boston air. with thousands of paramilitary troops and tanks patrolling the streets and the way that they've linked these two men is by narrowing down thousands of crowd sourced photos and matching it to surveillance cameras and although the establishment has no problem airing the deadly explosion frame by frame a thousand times of the american public the actual footage that they claim links these two suspects to the bombing might not ever be seen in ne