if you go to sun tzu, "the art of war" -- sunzi.ell, i was doing the mandarin version, but thank you. it's embarrassing when he does that little cock-up with the "z." thank you for correcting him. it was nothing. what he correctly identifies in his "art of war" is battlefield is where the war room is. it's not in a boardroom. but rob was not happy. i had to make a decision, and i stand by our product. with all due respect, we would raer do less of our talking and be judged by what it is that's up on that screen, respectfully. trace: everyone needs a champ in their life -- someone that loves them and cares for them. >> when i saw the commercial, i was surprised. i went from being kind of a frown face to a smile. i felt a lot better. and i really felt that they did their job. it takes a big heart to be a champion. >> you look good there, lennox. thank you. very good. thanks, fellas. see you later. thank you. [ dramatic music plays ] they both did really well, but one was fantastic. so, you really liked them both, but you loved one? so