properties, b t the ct ofof repr r and coveveryboth f f the homeneners awellll athe puic infraructure at suorts s em. so think r rds and idges anthat kind thing.o it--thcost of imate change has to be factored in both in public and privivate insurance and public d private finanancial support for the structures that suppoport people's homes a and where they live. >> when floods and hurricanes happen, a lot of people assume that insurance will cover everything, and what isn't covered, the federal government will then come in and make them whole. unfortunately, that's rarely the case. if i live in my own home, the federal government is not responsible for coming in and taking care of me. people need to continue to make sure they've donone everything t to prototect themselves and can't rely wholly on the federal government. >> we are looking at some commmmunities that a are puttinn climate action plans that are on the scale of millions of dollalars. for example, new york city is thinking about over $350 million to try to make new york city more resilient to sea level rise. >> we need billions of dollars