so we also think of our camp as a sup le mental camp. we are three weeks during the summer and kids do other camps like the camps here today. so we really feel like we offer an opportunity for kids to see others who look like themselves and also role models who look like them and develop their comfort in expressing their jewish identity. >> it makes me think that jewish camping is one of the very few places where different kinds of people can come together and really form family and relationships and deepen what it means to be a jew and human being and that's an extraordinary deliberate world that gets created and because it's residential and continue al, that impact on the way a person understands themselves as well as their community with such great diversity must give a lot of confidence to a jewish community's sense of place in the world that everybody is really welcome and even if somebody is different than you, it doesn't make them an "other". they're still part of the family. from your per speck tiff, we don't have that much time b